• Date:
  • Time:
  • Location:
    Sanjo Conference Hall, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo (#2 on the map)
  • Hosts:

    Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), The University of Tokyo
    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

  • Language:

    English (No simultaneous translation)

  • Registration:

    Please sign up from registration form below.

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The quest for realizing Africa’s promise:Africa’s development trajectory remains uncertain. The continent has witnessed remarkable progress in economic growth and human development. However, the inequality gap remains troubling, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, adverse impact of the climate change and the war in Ukraine, which has reversed many gains. With these headwinds, more African countries experience difficulties in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Through this seminar, Dr. Raymond Gilpin, will share insights on mediumand long-term visions and strategies for African development and exchange views with the students from the University of Tokyo.


Presenter: Raymond Gilpin, Chief Economist, Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP
Moderator: Kazuyo Hanai, Project Assistant Professor, IFI, the University of Tokyo
Opening Remarks/Facilitator: Aya Suzuki, Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Science, the University of Tokyo
Closing Remarks: Hideko Hadzialic, Director, UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo

Contact address

UNDP (please replace at with @)

aya.oguri_at_undp.org (Oguri)
chika.kondoh_at_undp.org (Kondo)

Tokyo, July 20, 2023 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Institute of Future Initiatives (IFI) at the University of Tokyo, hosted a student lecture at the University of Tokyo. This event coincided with the visit of Dr. Raymond Gilpin, the Chief Economist and Head of the Strategy, Analysis, and Research Team at the UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa.

Building on UNDP’s collaboration with the University of Tokyo since 2018 and the upcoming TICAD 9 scheduled for 2025, the lecture and discussion session featured Professor Aya Suzuki and four student panelists. Its aim was to provide Japanese youth with an opportunity to learn and exchange ideas regarding medium- and long-term strategies and visions for African development in the context of the evolving global landscape.

The event drew approximately 40 participants, primarily comprising students from various academic levels. Prof. Aya Suzuki of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo, in her opening remarks, highlighted the transformative changes in the world over the past five years, including the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on poverty eradication, the Ukraine conflict’s geopolitical consequences, and the persistent challenges of climate change. Prof. Suzuki emphasized the University of Tokyo’s commitment to diversity and dialogue through the “UTokyo compass” and its evolving role in addressing global challenges. The university is actively seeking collaborations with Global South countries, with a focus on Africa, to make tangible contributions to the global community.

Subsequently, Dr. Gilpin inaugurated the event with a lecture on Africa’s journey toward achieving the SDGs by 2030, considering the halfway point to this target year. He emphasized the importance of discussing this topic, highlighting the need for Africa to explore self-sustaining development financing. Dr. Gilpin also underscored the significance of addressing critical issues like climate change and the ongoing impact of COVID-19, both of which could pose substantial challenges to Africa’s progress toward 2030.

Despite these challenges, Dr. Gilpin highlighted the continent’s achievements, including increased democratization, sustained economic growth, market expansion, and reduced reliance on foreign aid. Furthermore, Dr. Gilpin noted that the UNDP would maintain its focus on areas such as structural economic transformation, natural resource governance, a just transition to sustainable energy, and the empowerment of women and youth.

As participants gained a deeper understanding of the current situation in Africa, the event transitioned to a panel discussion involving Dr. Gilpin, Professor Suzuki and four students from the University of Tokyo: Mr. Toshiyuki Sassa, a third-year undergraduate student majoring in International Relations in the College of Arts and Sciences; Ms. Tapang Relindis and Ms. Yuna Tamamura, doctoral students majoring in International Cooperation Studies at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences; and Mr. Naohiro Takahashi, a second-year graduate student enrolled in the Graduate School of Public Policy.

Mr. Sassa, as the first questioner, initiated the conversation by asking how marginalized groups like women, children, and people with disabilities can actively participate based on the principle of ‘nothing about us without us,’ rather than being passive beneficiaries in the context of African economic development. Dr. Gilpin underscored that gender inclusion in Africa isn’t just about human rights; it’s a vital economic reality, highlighting the economic benefits of women’s involvement and inclusion. He also noted that UNDP works on special projects and offices dedicated to women and gender to promote these goals. Sassa’s second question revolved around youth involvement in Japan, to which Dr. Gilpin highlighted the global connectivity of the current youth generation and the need for their active engagement in policy discussions related to African development, given the challenges of long-term investment and short-term financing opportunities in the region.

Ms. Relindis raised questions concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically focusing on lessons and strategies for African countries to enhance self-reliance during global shocks. Dr. Gilpin emphasized the pandemic’s role as a wake-up call for Africa to strengthen its healthcare sector and advocated for better regional collaboration and resilient economic management.

The discussion continued with Ms. Tamamura’s questions regarding the Involvement of local citizens with difficulties to voice out and safeguarding methods in UNDP’s projects and ways economists and researchers can build respectful relationships with them. Dr. Gilpin stressed the vital role of safe spaces for local citizens in driving societal change. He also pointed out that UNDP’s multi-sectoral teams prioritize societal aspects in their projects to ensure inclusivity. Ms. Tamamura’s second question revolved around how UNDP conducts its projects considering the diversity of stakeholders and their power-balance in consultation process, which hinder the most vulnerable people to voice out. Dr. Gilpin pointed out a distinctive feature of UNDP: its country offices staffed by locals, enabling effective communication, culturally aligned events, and a deep understanding of community dynamics.

Lastly, Mr. Takahashi posed questions about Dr. Gilpin’s expectations for African private sectors and startups, as well as Japan’s contributions to African development. Dr. Gilpin advised African startups to understand their continent’s economic ecosystem better to increase their chances of success. Regarding Japan’s collaboration with Africa, he acknowledged the achievements of the long-standing partnership between the two but expressed hope for a more synergistic relationship in the future.

Following the panel discussion, the event transitioned into a Q&A session with the audience. One question raised concerns about potential discrepancies among African countries as development accelerates. Dr. Gilpin stressed the importance of avoiding such discrepancies, highlighting UNDP’s work with local governments to ensure the provision of basic health services and education to minimize gaps between nations.

The event came to an end with the participants gaining a deeper understanding and receiving an opportunity that could potentially nurture their interests. Given that TICAD 9 is coming up in just 2 years, this opportunity was meaningful in providing an opportunity for Japanese youth to get involved in the conversation on African development.

=Movie= Part1

=Movie= Part2