Project kick off meeting “Public attitudes towards energy policy and sustainable development in ASEAN phase 2”

  • Date:
  • Time:
  • Location:
  • Organized by:

    Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo (IFI)

  • Co-organized by:

    Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)


ASEAN countries have embarked on the journey toward the achievement of climate change mitigation and sustainable development. Policy measures will bring about a number of benefits but they are not without costs. Policymakers have to carefully balance benefits against costs. One method to identify the benefits of the environmental policy is to conduct a willingness-to-pay (WTP) survey.

The project will investigate the W.T.P. for renewables and electric vehicles among four ASEAN countries: Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Our plan is to conduct it a harmonized day survey across the targeted countries to gain comparative perspectives.

This workshop represented the kick-off event of the project. The background, a literature review, and a preliminary plan for the survey will be presented, which will be followed by discussions among project participants and collaborators.

This project is funded by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).

  • 15:30
    Opening remarks by Prof. Yoshikawa and Prof. Arima
  • 15:40
  • 15:50
    Presentations by Prof. Sugiyama and Daniel del Barrio

    Review of the literature

    Initial plan of the survey

  • 16:20
    Discussion moderated by Prof. Sugiyama
  • 16:50
    Closing remarks by Prof. Yoshikawa and Prof. Arima

The research project “Public attitudes towards energy policy and sustainable development in ASEAN: Phase 2” funded by ERIA is scheduled to be conducted for FY2020. The project kick-off workshop was held on 9th October 2020. This project aims to investigate and analyze consumers’ willingness to pay (Willingness To Pay, WTP) for energy and sustainable development (SDGs) related goods and services in ASEAN countries. In this workshop, we will conduct a survey on the WTP for renewable energy in Philippines and Malaysia and a more in-depth survey and analysis of WTP related to SDGs in Vietnam and Thailand, where interesting results were obtained in the first year. In this workshop, researchers from universities in each country were invited to have active discussions on the direction and methodology of the research.