Discussion on Present and Future of Supply Chains and Intellectual Property Systems -Focus on Exhaustion-

  • Date:
  • Time:
    18:00-20:30 (JST)
  • Location:
    Online (Zoom Webinar)
  • Host:

    Intellectual Property Rights Policy Research Unit, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo
    Advanced Business Law Program, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo

  • Co-host:

    The Intellectual Property Law Research Society of The University of Tokyo Public Domain Research Society: A cross-sectional examination of various intellectual property laws from the perspective of encouraging and securing the public domain

  • Language:

    Japanese & English (with simultaneous interpretation)

  • Details and Registration:

    ※Any information you provide will not be used for other purpose except for this symposium.

Event Overview

Regarding supply chains and intellectual property rights, various studies have been conducted to explore how SEPs and related rights should be enforced, how and with whom to negotiate licenses. The question is whether legal systems should be reformed to keep pace with the Age of the Internet of Things. In this symposium, practical and theoretical issues will be examined with reference to foreign and domestic trends, and the effect of innovation due to the future development of advanced technology on intellectual property systems will also be discussed.

  • Session 1
    Supply Chain and the Patent System: Special Reference to Exhaustion
    - Language: Japanese

    – Moderator
    Yoshiyuki Tamura (Professor, The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics)

    – Panelists
    Tomoko Miyamoto (WIPO: Head, Patents and Treaties Law Section, Patent and Technology Law Division)
    Masabumi Suzuki (Professor, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law)
    Shogo Matsunaga (Lawyer, Sonderhoff & Einsel Law and Patent Office)

  • Session 2
    How Future Technologies Will Change the IP System
    - Languages: Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation is available)

    – Moderator
    Toshiya Watanabe (Professor, The University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives)

    – Panelists
    Ulrike Till (WIPO: Director IP and Frontier Technologies)
    Tohru (Kobayashi) Yoshioka (Lecturer, Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation Research)


Intellectual Property Rights Policy Research Unit
Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo

E-mail: wlab[at]ifi.u-tokyo.ac.jp [at]→@