Online Symposium “AI and the intellectual property system : a mid-term outlook”

  • Date:
    Thu, Feb 27, 2025
  • Time:
  • Location:
    Online Seminar (Zoom Webinar)
  • Organized by:

    Institute for Future initiatives (IFI), The University of Tokyo
    The World-leading Innovative Graduate Study: Advanced Business law program (WINGS-ABL), The University of Tokyo

  • Supported by:

    Intellectual Property Association of Japan

  • Language:

    English (Online simultaneous interpretation to Japanese)

  • Registration:

    *The Institute for Future Initiatives and The World-leading Innovative Graduate Study: Advanced Business law program (WINGS-ABLP) collect personal information in order to provide you with the event URL and information about our current and future activities. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any third party.


The rapid development of artificial intelligence is now bringing about major changes in society and industry. In the field of intellectual property rights, the issue of AI and intellectual property rights has become the most important issue in the world. The intellectual property system has encouraged the creation of natural persons for the development of human culture and industry. However, the emergence of advanced AI raises issues that affect the very foundation of the intellectual property system.

The purpose of this conference is not to discuss short-term responses to current issues, but to discuss the relationship between AI and intellectual property rights over the next five to ten years. In particular, we will focus on inventions and copyrights, and after the presentations by the two speakers, we will hold a discussion with students, young researchers and experts, who are future stakeholders, to explore the relationship between AI and intellectual property rights in the medium to long term.

  • 1. Speaker of Presentation on AI and IP

    Dr. Ulrike TILL
    (Director of the AI Policy Division at WIPO)

    Prof. Yoshiyuki TAMURA
    (WINGS-ABLP, The University of Tokyo)

  • Q&A Panel session

    Students & Young researcher Panelist From TMI department, The University of Tokyo From Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo From Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo

    Kenzaburo TAMARU
    (Director, Government Solutions, Digital Agency; Director, AIDC; Executive Officer, Technical Management Office, Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.)

    Tomoo SHIBANO
    (Attorney at law, TMI)

    Eiichi YAMAMOTO
    (Councilor, Intellectual Property Strategic Promotion Office)

    (Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi University)


  • Closing

Intellectual Property Rights Policy Research Unit, Institute for Future Initiatives, UTokyo
E-mail: wlab[at] (replace [at] with @)