Online seminar: National Models and Scenarios on short-term and long-term climate policies
- Date:Wed, Mar 12, 2025
- Time:14:00 - 15:00 (JST)
- Location:Online - Zoom
- Language:
- Hosts:
Social scenario research program towards a carbon neutral society, JST Social Scenario Research Project
Japan Model Intercomparison Platform (JMIP) for Sustainable Futures Research Unit, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo
- Registration:
Participation fee: free
Registration by noon, Mar 11
Maximum number of participants: 300
Registration will be closed when capacity is reached.*Social scenario research program towards a carbon neutral society and Japan Model Intercomparison Platform (JMIP) for Sustainable Futures Research Unit, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo collect personal information in order to provide you with the event URL and information. Your personal information will not be otherwise used or disclosed to any third party.
National model and scenario development has been gaining momentum across the world in the past decade. Model-based climate and emissions scenarios are pivotal instruments for determining whether proposed actions align with the long-term goals. The development of global climate and mitigation scenarios in the past three decades have contributed to international climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement(2015) and the Glasgow Pact(2021). Similarly, national scenarios have widely contributed to national climate and mitigation policy making.
The Scientific Working Group on National Scenarios(SWG National) under the aegis of Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium(IAMC) aims to facilitate the discussion of national scenarios, develop national models, and coordinate scenario comparisons across countries or regions. The SWG initiated an open call last year for country level scenarios. Dr.Vishwanathan will provide insights into the process of scenario collection and initial analysis from the current set of scenario submissions from teams around the world.
[About Dr.Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan]
Dr.Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan works as an Assistant Professor(Program Specific) at the Department of Environment, Kyoto University(Katsura Campus) in Japan. She represents India on the Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium(IAMC) Scientific Steering Committee(SSC). She serves as the Steering Committee Member on the Scenario Compass Initiative and as a member of the High end/Medium Scenarios Development Task Force under the ScenarioMIP. She co-chairs the Scientific Working Group(SWG) on National Scenarios under the aegis of the IAMC with Prof.Shinichiro Fujimori and Prof.Roberto Schaeffer.
Her research addresses questions pertaining to energy, water, environment and climate change. Currently, her three key research themes are national modelling and scenarios(energy, industry, buildings, agriculture, GHG emissions, air pollution, water, land, SDGs); socio-technical transitions(energy, industry, urban systems); and climate justice(energy, coal, power, industry). The methodological approach includes integrated assessment modelling, stakeholder engagement, quantitative and qualitative assessment.
[About the Project and the Seminar Series]
The JST Social Scenario Research Project aims to contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society in Japan, emphasizing sustainable development through science and technology. This initiative envisions a desirable future society and explores the pathways, options, and strategies to achieve it. Since April 2023, the project has expanded to integrate knowledge from a broad range of researchers, including those from the humanities and social sciences, fostering further development and societal contribution. A key aspect of the project is the “Social Scenario for Accelerating Carbon Neutral Transition,” focusing on both quantitative and qualitative analyses of carbon-neutral technologies, and developing strategies for societal implementation and system design.
The seminar series with scenario experts is part of this effort, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and strategies to accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral society.
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