Energy scenario analysis to inform policy debate: Climate change mitigation for 2050 and beyond

  • Date:
  • Time:
  • Location:
    Kojima Conference Room, 2F Kojima Hall, The University of Tokyo.
  • Language:


  • Capacity:

    60 seats (Early registration recommended before completion)

  • Hosted by:

    Global Energy Policy and East Asia Research Unit, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo

Registration is now closed for this event.

Climate change mitigation policy is accelerating globally, and it is receiving great attention as one of the central policy issues at the G20 Osaka summit in June.

In April, the Japanese government released a proposal for its mid-century strategy under the Paris Agreement, and the policy debate is shifting toward how to mainstream renewables, discontinuous innovations, and net-zero and possibly negative emissions in 2050 and beyond.

In this symposium, we invite leading researchers working on energy scenarios in Japan to discuss climate change mitigation for 2050 and beyond from diverse perspectives.

  • 14:00-14:15
    Opening Remarks

    Yukari Takamura, Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI)

  • 14:15-14:35

    Tomohiro Inoue, Japan Science and Technology Agency , Center for Low Carbon Socirty Strategy

  • 14:35-14:55

    Yuji Matsuo, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

  • 14:55-15:15

    Tatsuo Kobayashi, The Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)

  • 15:15-15:35

    Toshihiko Masui, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies

  • 15:35-15:55

    Masahiro Sugiyama , Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI)

  • 15:55-16:30
    Panel Discussion

    Speaker etc

This workshop is supported by
the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund 2-1704 of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency(ERCA)