• Paper

    Akiyuki Kawasaki, Professor

A research paper from Prof. Akiyuki Kawasaki was published at “International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction”

The long-term negative impact of natural disasters on socio-economic development and endemic poverty is receiving increasing attention. We share this interest in investigating the relationship between poverty and disasters. Our results are original in that we clarify the impact of floods and strengthen the empirical evidence by using a control survey, establishing control groups based on poor/non-poor and with/without damage characteristics, and by examining multiple floods. Our original framework is used to measure the impact of recurrent floods on widening inequalities within communities, reflecting common scenarios in flooded areas.

Our findings will therefore be useful in determining flood control measures and in planning for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.

Research title:

Accelerated widening of economic disparity due to recurrent floods

Joint Researchers:

Akiyuki Kawasaki and Natsumi Shimomura


International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Volume 102
DOI 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104273


Akiyuki Kawasaki
Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives
