Policy recommendation on Collaborative Milestone for Global and National Environmental Policy: Releasing a “Global Commons Stewardship Index 2024” Report

Background of the Policy Recommendation

The fourth edition of the Global Commons Stewardship Index Report has been released, marking a significant collaborative effort between the CGC, SDSN, and the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. This edition brings to light the latest data on domestic impacts and transboundary spillovers affecting the Global Commons. Leveraging cutting-edge research and modeling tools from the fields of industrial ecology and environmental science, the report gains recognition for its potential to guide policymakers worldwide. It aims to bolster efforts at both the global and national levels to safeguard the Global Commons, underlining the importance of joint action in addressing global environmental challenges.

This revision aims to succinctly emphasize the collaborative nature and the actionable insights the report offers to policymakers, making it clear how this work contributes to environmental stewardship.

This report is the most recent iteration of collaborative efforts under CGC’s Global Commons Stewardship Initiative, launched in 2020 with international partners.

Global Commons Stewardship Index 2024:

The full report can be downloaded below.