• Kensuke Yamaguchi

    Kensuke Yamaguchi
    Project Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy
Research Fields
  • GMS regional study
  • Political Economy of Rent
  • Resource Curse
Research Projects
  • Electricity futures in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Towards sustainability, inclusive development, and conflict resolution

Kensuke YAMAGUCHI is a Project Assistant Professor at the Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI) at the University of Tokyo. Before joining PARI, he was a visiting researcher at the Energy Research Institute (ERI) at Chulalongkorn University for three years, where he managed a joint-research project between ERI and PARI. He has also been involved at a practical level with energy policy training and advice for Myanmar government officials. His work primarily focuses on the political economy of energy resources in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

2013. “Energy Efficiency Road Mapping in Three Future Scenarios for Lao PDR” Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, (H. Sasaki, K. Yamaguchi, G. Yoshizawa, I. Sakata, and H. Shiroyama)

2015. 「中国~ミャンマー石油天然ガスパイプラインの建設に対する考察—国内の政策過程と国際エネルギー調達をめぐって—」『アジ研ワールドトレンド』(劉大煒・山口健介)

2017. “Natural Gas in Thailand: Curse or Blessing?” GMSarn International Journal, 11, 69-75 (Kensuke Yamaguchi, Manaskorn Rachakarakij, and Hisashi Yoshikawa)

2017. “Understanding the motivations behind the Myanmar-China energy pipeline: Multiple streams and energy politics in China.” Energy Policy, 107, 403-412. (Liu, D., Yamaguchi, K., & Yoshikawa, H).

2018. “Cross-border power trade with Myanmar: barriers and their removal from the Thai’s perspective” International Journal of Public Policy 14, 30-49 (K. Yamaguchi, R. Prasert, M. Sugiyama, W. Dawan, H. Yoshikawa, and I. Sakata)

2018. 「Energy for Peace: ミャンマーにおける水力ダム開発」『エネルギー・資源』 39 (4), 247-251. (Yamaguchi, K., Kittner, N., and H. Yoshikawa)

Non-peer Reviewed Publications

2005. “Scarcity and conflict of resources; Chomthong water conflict” In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Multi-scale Governance of Forests, Village and Water in the Upper Ping River Basin, Northern Thailand, ed. Kuraji,Koichiro.

2006. “Scarcity and conflict of resources; Chomthong water conflict”, In Proceedings of The Fourth Asian Public Intellectuals Workshop on the theme “Reflections on the Human Conditions: Change, Conflict and Modernity,” Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press.

2006. 「南タイ視察旅行‐鉱物資源に見る、現在と過去」『盤国商工会議所報』,バンコク:盤国商工会議所.(共著:佐々木創、岩城孝信、佐藤正喜)

2008. 「省エネ分野の国際援助行政―トルコとブルガリアの事例」『東京大学公共政策大学院ワーキングペーパー』(共著:迫田章平)

2012. 「タイ国の未来:シナリオ・スタディ」『東京大学公共政策大学院ワーキングペーパー』(共著:大山卓・角和昌浩・城山英明)

2013. 「石油危機時の資源開発:天然ガスを巡る社会変動」『盤国商工会議所報』,バンコク:盤国商工会議所.(共著:鈴木沙織)

2016. 「ミャンマー水力開発における社会的バリア解消のためのヒント」『盤国商工会議所報』,バンコク:盤国商工会議所.(共著:劉大煒)

2017. “Hydropower threatens peace in Myanmar — but it doesn’t have to” Nikkei Asian Review (with Noah Kittner)

2019. “Why economic sanctions in Myanmar is a bad idea” PacNet, Pacific Forum CSIS.

Chapter of Books

2007. 「甕の大きさからみる社会」秋道智彌編『人と水』昭和堂.

2008. 「繰り返される水争い」佐藤仁編『人々の資源論』明石書店.

2009. 「食と農」城山英明編『日本社会の未来とエネルギー・環境政策』東信堂

2013. 「ガスタービンコンバインドサイクル発電― 日本企業の事業展開とタイへの貢献」上野貴弘・本部和彦編『狙われる日本の環境技術―競争力強化と温暖化交渉への処方箋』エネルギーフォーラム.


2003. タイ北部の水紛争(フィールドワーク9ヶ月)(日本財団アジア・フェローシップ)

2014. 「産業地域の「適応」:集積論の分析視角」国際開発学会春季大会、同志社大学、京都市.(優秀発表奨励賞)(共同発表:渡辺俊平)

2015. A Comparative Study of Industrial Adaptation in Eastern Seaboard : Petrochemical in Map Ta Phut and Automotive Industry in Laem Chabang (チュラロンコン大学タイ学研究所ENITSスカラーシップ)