【COVID-19 Information】Future Earth and International Science Council COVID-19 Portal
Future Earth has created a COVID-19 Portal Site on our website to gather information on activities related to the novel coronavirus by the Future Earth Community. This pandemic is a symptom of a much larger systemic crisis, one in which the relationship between human activities and the natural environment is rapidly destabilizing. At Future Earth, we believe that sustainability research can and must support a systems-based approach to managing global public health risks and creating a sustainable society.
The portal gathers opinions and information in three categories:
- “From Future Earth Members” has information from Future Earth-related projects such as from the Global Research Projects (GRPs), Knowledge-Action Networks (KANs), and Earth Commission
- “From the Future Earth Secretariat” has information from our Global Secretariat such as the message from Amy Luers, our Executive Director, and events.
- “From our Partners” has information from our partner organisations such as the International Science Council (ISC; see below for details) and an interview of Naoko Ishii, CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and a member of our Advisory Committee
In addition, ISC has created a Global Science Portal website that provides an overview of response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the ISC community. ISC is a non-governmental international academic organization that has 40 international scientific Unions and Associations and over 140 national and regional scientific organizations as members. Future Earth is a program that ISC established jointly with other organizations, and ISC is a member organization of Future Earth’s Governing Council.
- The COVID-19 portal shares scientific commentary and analysis and provides information on various initiatives by the ISC community.
- Information on responses by scientific communities in different fields and different countries/regions of the world are on the Institutional Responses page. Future Earth’s activities related to COVID-19 are introduced under the ISC Affiliated Programmes on this page.
- The Scientific Debates page contains work produced by ISC members such as think pieces, blogposts, interviews, advisory reports, webinars, and other information categorized by theme. Themes cover a wide range of topics pertaining to social issues and the novel coronavirus, from Global Governance/Policy-Making, Data and the Digital Revolution, to Disaster Risk Reduction/Resilience, and Global Dimensions of Inequality.
Please use these two portal sites as resources to follow the activities of the international scientific community.