FY2024 SSU-Working Paper “Economic Coercion or Economic Sanction? China’s Attitude Toward Economic Sanctions”
Book Launch Event: “Command of Commerce–America’s Enduring Economic Power Advantage Over China” by Stephen Brooks (Closed)
Closed opinion exchange meeting with Dr.“Cyrus” Xiaoye Ma, “An economy caught in between Statecraft economy vs Market-oriented economy”
FY2024 SSU-Working Paper “Solving What Principal-Agent Problem? Reassessing Military Reforms and Party-Military Relations in China”
FY2024 SSU-Working Paper “EU’s AI Regulation and International Economic Law: The Complex Impact of the EU AI Act on Global Economic Governance”
SSU Forum “US-China conflict and changes in China’s industrial policy”
SSU Forum “Economic Coercion: Discussions in Japan and the U.S.”
Opinion exchange closed meeting with Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC)
SSU Forum “Upstart-How China Became a Great Power”
Security Studies Unit (SSU) Trends of Major Countries (US, China, Europe) against Economic Security and Policies of Japan