What policies should Japan adopt when the United States, Europe, and China are taking concrete measures concerning economic security, including the reinforcement of their industrial bases, the prevention of the outflow of sensitive technologies, and the tightening of export controls? In addition to the analysis of policy trends in major countries that the Security Studies Unit (SSU) has been working on, this research project launches a new team specialized in trends in technology. This team analyzes cutting-edge research and development trends in important and emerging technology fields that have a significant impact on security, as well as the discussions surrounding international standardization and regulatory application in these fields. By combining policy research and technological analysis, we aim to identify technologies and goods that may be subject to international regulations in the future and choke points in the supply chain that are likely to surface.
FY2024 SSU-Working Paper “Economic Coercion or Economic Sanction? China’s Attitude Toward Economic Sanctions”
Book Launch Event: “Command of Commerce–America’s Enduring Economic Power Advantage Over China” by Stephen Brooks (Closed)
Closed opinion exchange meeting with Dr.“Cyrus” Xiaoye Ma, “An economy caught in between Statecraft economy vs Market-oriented economy”
- Ryo SahashiProfessor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
- Kazuo SuzukiProfessor, Graduate School of Public Policy
- Asuka ChokyuAssociate Professor, School of Law, Hiroshima University
- Satoru MoriProfessor, Department of Law, Hosei University
- Yu MiyajiStaff writer with the Asahi shimbun
- Asei ItoAssociate Professor, Institute of Social Science
- Tohru (Kobayashi) YoshiokaVisiting Researcher
- Masatoshi MurakamiAssociate Professor, Department of Contemporary Society, Kogakkan University
- Jaehwan LimProfessor, School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University
- Shingo ItoExecutive chief researcher, Institute for International Economic Studies
- Seio NakajimaProfessor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University
- Keiti (Huiting) WeiProject Assistant Professor, Graduate Schools for law and Politics
- Michito TsuruokaProfessor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
- Takemasa SekineProfessor, Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University
- Naosuke MukoyamaAssociate Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives
- Arisa EmaAssociate Professor, Tokyo College
- Shingo KanoProfessor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
- Atsuo KishimotoProfessor, Institute for Datability Science, Osaka University
- Makiko MatsuoProject Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy
- Noboru KoshizukaProfessor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies
- Masashi KawasakiProfessor, Faculty of Engineering
- Tadahiro KurodaProfessor, Faculty of Engineering
- Kotaro ShiojiriVisiting Scholar and Adjunct Lecturer, Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
- Ayako TakemiProject Researcher
- Chen Emily Szu-huaProject Reseacher
- Hotaka MachidaSenior Research Fellow, Panasonic Research Institute