時間:10:00-12:00 (JST)
会場:ハイブリッド開催(東京大学国際学術総合研究棟4階SMBCアカデミアホールとオンライン ※ZoomウェビナーまたはYouTubeで視聴いただけます)
人工知能(AI)の開発、運用、利用をめぐるガバナンスの在り方は、2023年現在、産学官民のマルチステークホルダーで様々な議論が行われています。特に原則から実践へ(From principles to practice)という流れの中で、国際機関、民間企業、市民団体など様々な組織や国などがAIガバナンスの構築の必要性を議論しています。
また、近年では生成系AI(Generative AI)がもたらす新たな可能性とリスクに関する議論も盛んです。AIガバナンスに関して今後の組織の在り方やAI開発、運用そして利活用はどのようにあるべきなのでしょうか。本イベントでは国際的なAIガバナンスの潮流に関する議論を、海外のAIガバナンスに関する専門家をお招きして議論を行います。
城山英明 (東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター センター長)
江間有沙 (東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター 准教授)
Gregory C. Allen: Director of AI governance project, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Rebecca Finlay: CEO at Partnership on AI
David Leslie: Director of Ethics and Responsible Innovation Research at The Alan Turing Institute and Professor of Ethics, Technology and Society, Queen Mary University of London
Karine Perset: Head of AI Unit and OECD.AI, OECD Digital Economy Policy Division – OECD
Gregory C. Allen is the director of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He is also the Executive Director of the CSIS AI Council, a group comprised of 17 distinguished global leaders working to provide vital insights on translating AI principles into practice, establishing common standards for AI safety and security measures, and accelerating global regulatory interoperability and coherence. Prior to joining CSIS, he was the director of strategy and policy at the Department of Defense (DOD) Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, where he oversaw development and implementation of the DOD’s AI Strategy, drove developed mechanisms for AI governance and ethics, and led frequent diplomatic engagements with governments in Europe and the Indo-Pacific regions, including China.
Rebecca Finlay is the CEO at Partnership on AI overseeing the organization’s mission and strategy. At PAI Rebecca ensures that our global community of Partners work together so that developments in AI advance positive outcomes for people and society. Most recently, she was VP, Engagement and Public Policy at CIFAR where she founded the Institute’s global knowledge mobilization practice, bringing together experts in industry, civil society, and government to accelerate the societal impact of CIFAR’s research programs.
David Leslie is the Director of Ethics and Responsible Innovation Research at The Alan Turing Institute and Professor of Ethics, Technology and Society at Queen Mary University of London. He was a 2017-2018 Mellon-Sawyer Fellow in Technology and the Humanities at Boston University and has previously taught at Princeton’s University Center for Human Values (UCHV), where he also participated in the UCHV’s 2017-2018 research collaboration with Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy on “Technology Ethics, Political Philosophy and Human Values: Ethical Dilemmas in AI Governance.” Prior to teaching at Princeton, David held academic appointments at Yale’s programme in Ethics, Politics and Economics and at Harvard’s Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, where he received over a dozen teaching awards including the 2014 Stanley Hoffman Prize for Teaching Excellence.
Karine Perset heads the AI Unit of the OECD Division for Digital Economy Policy in Paris, France. She is in charge of the OECD.AI Policy Observatory and the OECD.AI Network of Experts (ONE AI). She focuses on trendsin development and diffusion of AI and on opportunities and challenges that AI raises for public policy. Other recent research focused on Internet intermediaries and Internet governance. She was previously Advisor to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and yet before was the Counsellor of the OECD’s Science, Technology, and Industry (STI) Directors. Karine Perset holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Westminster, and two Master’s degrees in ICT & Telecommunications and International Economics from Université Paris Dauphine.
E-mail: ifi_ai[at][at]→@に置き換えてください)
進化の著しい人工知能(AI)をめぐっては、ここ10年余り、社会との関わりを軸にAI開発の在り方が議論されてきました。特にいま、生成AI(Generative AI)や大規模言語モデル(LLM)などが登場し、議論は新たな局面を迎えたと言えます。こうしたAIの最新技術が社会に与える影響の大きさが指摘されており、AIガバナンスの必要性に議論の焦点が当てられています。
Gregory C. Allen: Director of AI governance project, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Rebecca Finlay: CEO at Partnership on AI
David Leslie: Director of Ethics and Responsible Innovation Research at The Alan Turing Institute and Professor of Ethics, Technology and Society, Queen Mary University of London
Karine Perset: Head of AI Unit and OECD.AI, OECD Digital Economy Policy Division – OECD
城山英明:東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター 教授
ファシリテーター: 江間有沙:東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター 准教授
