IFI EBPM in STIセミナー / 第142回STIG PoPセミナー:知的財産権とオープン・サイエンス – 20年の探求の軌跡

  • 日程:
  • 時間:
    16:50-18:30 (JST)
  • 会場:
    東京大学(本郷キャンパス) 山上会館2階大会議室
  • 開催形式:


  • 主催:


  • 共催:

    東京大学科学技術イノベーション政策の科学教育・研究プログラム (STIG)

  • 言語:

    英語・日本語 (日英同時通訳あり)

  • 参加申込み:

    ※Zoom URLは、参加お申込みの方に1月10日(水)にメールでお送りします。


ジョン・ウォルシュ教授(ジョージア工科大学 公共政策学部)


Governments in numerous countries have actively encouraged academic institutions to patent their discoveries resulting from scientific research, aiming to foster technology transfer to the private sector and promote social impact. However, concerns have been raised about the potential emergence of “the tragedy of anti-commons,” in which the proliferation of patent holders may lead to the underutilization of valuable resources as these holders can obstruct each other, ultimately hindering the overall progress of scientific research. Based on the observations over the past two decades, this seminar will illustrate how academic institutions, regulations, and scientific communities have responded to this issue, how the accumulated evidence has informed policymaking, as well as broader lessons on safeguarding the commons of scientific knowledge.


Dr. John P. Walsh is a Professor in the School of Public Policy. He teaches and does research on science, technology and innovation, using a sociological perspective that focuses on organizations and work to explain how research organizations respond to changes in their policy environment. Recent work includes studies of university-industry linkages in the US and Japan, the effects of research tool patents on biomedical researchers and country and industry differences in the role of patents in firm strategy. His work has been published in Science, American Sociological Review, Research Policy, Social Studies of Science, and Management Science. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Kauffman Foundation, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, the Matsushita Foundation and the Japan Foundation, and he has done consulting for the National Academy of Sciences, the OECD, the European Commission and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


•Walsh, J.P., Cohen, W.M., Cho, C. (2007). Where Excludability Matters: Material Versus Intellectual Property in Academic Biomedical Research. Research Policy 36, 1184-1203.
•Dialogues between Walsh, Eisenberg, et al.
(1) Can patents deter innovation? The anticommons in biomedical research (1998)
(2) Working Through the Patent Problem (2003)
(3) Patent Swords and Shields (2003)
(4) View from the Bench: Patents and Material Transfers (2005)
(5) The anticommons at 20: Concerns for research continue (2018)


東京大学 未来ビジョン研究センター
E-mail ifi_tg[at]@ifi.u-tokyo.ac.jp ([at]→@に置き換えてください)