武内 和彦
Kazuhiko Takeuchi特任教授
公益財団法人地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES) 理事長
国連大学 客員教授
- 地域生態学
- 環境学
- サステイナビリティ学
1951年和歌山市生まれ。1974年東京大学理学部地学科地理学課程卒業、1976年同大学院農学系研究科修士課程修了。農学博士。東京都立大学理学部助手、東京大学農学部助教授、同アジア生物資源環境研究センター教授を経て、1997年より同大学院農学生命科学研究科教授。2008年より国連大学副学長。2012年より東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構(IR3S)機構長・教授。2013年より2016年まで国連大学上級副学長、国連事務次長補。2016年より国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所客員教授。2017年4月より東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構(IR3S)機構長・特任教授。2017年7月より公益財団法人地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)理事長。中央環境審議会自然環境部会長、Sustainability Science誌(Springer Nature) 編集長、Distinguished Chair, Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobiなどを兼務。
査読付き論文 (2021-2014)
- Jarzebski, M.P., Elmqvist, T., Gasparatos, A., Fukushi, K., Eckersten, S., Haase, D., Goodness, J., Khoshkar, S., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K., Theorell, T., Dong, N., Kasuga, F., Watanabe, R., Sioen, G.B., Yokohari, M., Pu, J.: Aging and population shrinking: Implications for sustainability in urban century. Urban Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1038/s42949-021-00023-z , 2021.
- Miyasaka, T., Miyamori, E., Okuro, T., Zhao, X., Takeuchi, K.: Comparison of nurse effect zones of shrubs versus trees for dryland rehabilitation in Northeast China. Restoration Ecology, DOI10.1111/rec.13364, 2021.
- Ortiz-Moya, F., Kataoka, Y., Saito, O., Mitra, B.K., Takeuchi, K.: Sustainable transitions towards a resilient and decentralized future: Japan’s Circulating and Ecological Sphere(CES). Sustainability Science, DOI10.1007/s11625-021-00941-y, 2021.
- Baffoe, G., Zhou, X., Moinuddin, M., Somanje, A.N., Kuriyama, A., Mohan, G., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K.: Urban-rural linkages: effective solutions for achieving sustainable development in Ghana from an SDG interlinkage perspective. Sustainability Science, DOI10.1007/s11625-021-00929-8 , 2021.
- Hori, K., Saito, O., Hashimoto, S., Matsui, T., Akter, R. and Takeuchi, K.: Population distribution projections under depopulation conditions in Japan, for scenarios analysis of future socio-ecological systems. Sustainability Science, 16, 295-311, 2021.
- 武内和彦:コロナ時代の自然と人間との共生. KOSMOS 2021/WINTER, 8-13.
- Somanje, AN., Mohan, G., Lopes. J., Mensah, A., Gordon, C., Zhou, X., Moinuddin Saito, O. and Takeuchi, K.: Challenges and potential solutions for sustainable urban-rural linkages in a Ghanian context. Sustainability, 12(2): 1-19, 2020.
- 武内和彦:地球規模課題のローカルな統合的解決を目指す「地域循環共生圏」.月刊資本市場, 406: 20-27, 2019.
- Elmqvist, T., Andersson, E., Frantzeskari, N., McPhearson., Olsson, P., Gaffney, O., Takeuchi, K., Folke, C. Sustainability and resilience for transformation in the urban century. Nature Sustainability, DOI 10.1038/s41893-019-0250-1, 2019.
- Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T. Takeuchi, K. Investing future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological-economic modelling. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-018-0590-1, 2018.
- Hashimoto, S., DasGupta, R., Kabaya, K., Matsui, T., Haga, C., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K. Scenario analysis of land-use and ecosystem services of social-ecological landscapes: implications of alternative development pathways under declining population in the Noto Peninsula, Japan. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-018-0626-6, 2018.
- Saito, O., Kamiyama, C., Hashimoto, S., Matsui, T., Shoyama, K., Kabaya, K., Uetake, T., Taki, H., Ishikawa, Y., Matsushita, K. Yamane, F., Hori, J., Ariga, T., Takeuchi, K. Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-018-0587-9, 2018.
- 武内和彦:水資源分野で求められる超学際的研究.水文・水資源学会誌,31(3),149-151,2018.
- Yoshida, Y., Matsuda, H., Fukushi, K., Ikeda, S., Managi, S., Takeuchi, K. Assessing local-scale inclusive wealth: A case study of Sado Island, Japan. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-018-0540-y, 2018.
- Saito, O., Managi, S., Kanie, N., Kauffman, J., Takeuchi, K. Sustainability science and implementing the sustainable development goals. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-017-0486-5, 2017.
- Takeuchi, K., Saito, O., Lahoti, S., Gondor, D. Growing up: 10 years of publishing sustainability science research. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-017-0484-7, 2017.
- Kajikawa, Y., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K. Academic landscape of 10 years of sustainability science. Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-017-0477-6, 2017.
- Gasparatos, A., Takeuchi, K., Elmqvist, T., Fukushi, K., Nagao, M., Swanepoel, F., Swilling, M., Trotter, D., von Blottniz, H. Sustainability science for meeting Africa’s challenges: setting the stage. Sustainability Science, 12: 635-640, 2017.
- Antwi, EK., Owusu-Banahene, W., Boakye-Danquah, J., Mensah, R., Tetteh, JD., Nagao, M., Takeuchi, K. Sustainability assessment of mine-affected communities in Ghana: towards ecosystems and livelihood restoration. Sustainability Science, 12, 747-767, 2017.
- Miyasaka, T., Quang Bao Le Q.B., Okuro, T., Zhao, X., Takeuchi, K. Agent-based modeling of complex social–ecological feedback loops to assess multi-dimensional trade-offs in dryland ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology, 32, 707-727, 2017.
- Yanagawa, A., Sasaki, T., Jamsran, U., Okuro, T., Takeuchi, K. Factors limiting vegetation recovery processes after cessation of cropping in a semiarid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments, 131, 1-5, 2016.
- Boafo, Y.A., Saito, O., Jasaw, G.S., Otsuki, K., Takeuchi, K. Provisioning ecosystem services-sharing as a coping and adaptation strategy among rural communities in Ghana's semi-arid ecosystem. Ecosystem Services, 19, pp. 92-102, 2016.
- Takeuchi, K., Ichikawa, K. and Elmqvist, T.: Satoyama landscape as social- ecological system: historical changes and future perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability: 19, 30-39, 2016.
- Yiu, E., Nagata, A., Takeuchi, K. Comparative study on conservation of agricultural heritage systems in China, Japan and Korea. J. Resour. Ecol.: 7(3), 170-179, 2016.
- Boafo, YA., Saito, O., Kato, S., Kamiyama, C., Takeuchi, K. and Nakahara, M.:The role of traditional ecological knowledge in ecosystem services management: the case for four rural communities in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management: DOI: 10.1080/ 21513732.2015.1124454, 2015.
- Yanagawa, A., Fujimaki, H., Okuro, T., Jamsran, U., Takeuchi, K.: Comparison of drought tolerances in a root water uptake model for two co-occurring grass species in Mongolia. Japanese Society of Soil Physics: 130, 3-10, 2015.
- Zhou, D., Aoyagi, M., Matsuda, H., Hara, Y., Okuro, T. and Takeuchi, K.: The resilience of traditional rice-dominated agricultural communities to precipitation variability in the North China Plain. Climate Research: 62, 149-161, 2015.
- Jasaw, GS., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K.: Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) butter production and resource use by urban and rural processors in Northern Ghana. Sustainability, 7, 3592-3614, 2015.
- Bloesh, J., von Hauff, M., Mainzer, K., Mohan, SV., Renn, O., Risse, V., Somg, Y., Takeuchi, K. and Wilderer, P.: Sustainable development, Integrated in the concept of resilience. Problems of Sustainable Development, 10: 7-14, 2015.
- Dı´az1, S., Demissew, S., Carabias, J., Joly, C., Lonsdale, M., Ash, N., Larigauderie, A., Adhikari, JR., Arico,S., Ba´ ldi, A., Bartuska, A., Baste, I.A, Bilgin, A., Brondizio, E. Chan, KMA., Figueroa, VE., Duraiappah, A., Fischer, M., Hill,R., Koetz, T., Leadley, P., Lyver, P, Mace, GM., Martin-Lopez, B., Okumura, M., Pacheco, D., Pascual, U., Pe´ rez ES., Reyers, B., Roth, E., Saito, O., Scholes, RJ., Sharma, N., Tallis, H., Thaman, R., Watson, R., Yahara, T., Hamid, Z.A., Akosim, C., Al-Hafedh, Y., Allahverdiyev,R., Amankwah, E., Asah,TS., Asfaw, Z., Bartus, G., Brooks, AL., Caillaux,J., Dalle, G., Darnaedi, D., Driver, A., Erpul, G., Escobar-Eyzaguirre, P., Failler, P., Fouda, AMF., Fu, B., Gundimeda, H., Hashimoto, S., Homer, F., Lavorel, S., Lichtenstein, G., Mala, WA., Mandivenyi, W., Matczak, P., Mbizvo, C., Mehrdadi, Metzger, MJP., Mikissa, JB., Moller, H., Mooney, HA., Mumby, P., Nagendra, H., Nesshover, C., Oteng-Yeboah, AA, Pataki, G., Roue´, M., Rubis, J., Schultz, M., Smith, P., Sumaila, R., Takeuchi, K., Thomas, S., Verma, M., Yeo-Chang, Y. and Zlatanova, D.: The IPBES conceptual framework – connecting nature and people. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14:1-16, 2015.
- Arnim,W., Harlow, J., Melnick, J., vam der Leeuw, S., Fukushi, K., Takeuchi, K., Farioli, F., Yamba, F., Balke, A., Geiger, C., Kutter, R. : Sustainability science in action: a review of the state of the field through case studies on disaster recovery, bioenergy, and precautionary purchasing. Sustainability Science 10: 17-31, 2015.
- Nakamura, S., Tsuge, T., Okubo, S., Takeuchi, K., Usio, N.: Exploring factors affecting farmers’ implementation of wildlife-friendly farming on Sado Island, Japan. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5(4): 370-380, 2014.
- Takeuchi, K., Elmqvist, T., Hatakeyama, M., Kauffman, J., Turner, N., Zhou, D.: Using sustainability science to analyse social–ecological restoration in NE Japan after the great earthquake and tsunami of 2011. Sustainability Science 9: 513-526, 2014.
- Antwi, EK., Boakye-Danquah, J., Asabere, SB., Takeuchi, K., Wiegleb, G.: Land cover transformation in two post-mining landscapes subjected to different ages of reclamation since dumping of spoils. SpringerPlus 3:702, 2014.
- Avornyo, VK., Ito, O., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K.: Cropping Systems in Some Drought-Prone Communities of the Northern Region of Ghana: Factors Affecting the Introduction of Rice. Journal of Disaster Research, 9: 475-483, 2014.
- Boakye-Danquah, J., Antwi, EK., Saito, O., Abekoe, MK. and Takeuchi, K.: Impact of Farm Management Practices and Agricultural Land Use on Soil Organic Carbon Storage Potential in the Savannah Ecological Zone of Northern Ghana. Journal of Disaster Research, 9: 484-500, 2014.
- Boafo, YA., Saito, O. and Takeuchi, K.: Provisioning Ecosystem Services in Rural Savanna Landscapes of Northern Ghana: An Assessment of Supply, Utilization, and Drivers of Change. Journal of Disaster Research, 9: 501-515, 2014.
- Antwi1, E.K., Otsuki1, K., Saito, O., Obeng, F.K., Gyekye, K.A., Boakye-Danquah1, J., Boafo1, Y.A., Kusakari, Y., Yiran, G.A.B., Owusu, A.B., Kwabena O., Asubonteng, Dzivenu, T., Avornyo, V.K., Abagale, F.K., Jasaw, G.S., Lolig, V., Ganiyu, S., Donkoh, S.A., Yeboah, R., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Gyasi, E.A., Minia, Z., Ayuk, E.T., Matsuda, H., Ishikawa, H., Ito, O. and Takeuchi, K.: Developing a Community-Based Resilience Assessment Model with reference to Northern Ghana. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management 4(1):73-92, 2014
- 齊藤修・橋本禅・武内和彦:生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関する政府間プラットフォーム(IPBES)の設立経緯と最新動向. 環境研究No.174: 97-103, 2014.
- Muhamad, D., Okubo, S., Harashina, K., Parikesit., Gunawan, B., Takeuchi, K.: Living close to forests enhances people’s perception of ecosystem services in forest-agricultural landscape of West Java, Indonesia. Ecosystem Services 8:197-206,2014.
- Tsuchiya, K., Aoyagi-Usami, M., Okuro, T. and Takeuchi, K.: The potential of , and threat to, the transfer of ecological knowledge in urban areas: the case of community-based woodland management in Tokyo, Japan. Ecology and Society 19(2):25, 2014.
- 只見康信・西麻衣子・武内和彦:人間と自然システムの調和する持続型社会に向けて. 環境技術 43(1): 35-40, 2014.
著書 (2021-2014)
- Gasparatos, A., Merle, N., Ahmed, A., Karanja, A., Fukushi, K., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K. eds.: Sustainability Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa II: Insights from Eastern and Southern Africa. Springer, 268pp., 2020.
- Gasparatos, A., Ahmed, A., Merle, N., Karanja, A., Fukushi, K., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K. eds.: Sustainability Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa I: Continental Perspectives and Inshghts from Western and Central Africa. Springer, 360pp., 2020.
- Saito, O., Subramanian, SM., Hashimoto, S. and Takeuchi, K. eds.: Managing Socio-ecological Production Landscapes for Sustainable Communities in Asia. Springer, 179pp., 2020.
- 武内和彦:里山ランドスケープの再生―戦略的に取り組む.日本生命財団編:人と自然の環境学.東京大学出版会,207-226,2019.
- Takeuchi, K., Shiroyama, H., Saito, O. and Matsuura, M. eds.: Biofuels and Sustainability: Holistic Perspective for Policy-making. Springer, 265pp., 2018.
- Takeuchi, K., Saito, O., Matsuda, H. and Mohan, G. eds.: Resilient Asia: Fusion of Traditional and Modern Systems for Sustainable Future. Springer, 196pp., 2018.
- Saito, O., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Takeuchi, K. and Gyasi, E.A. eds.: Strategies for Building Resilience against Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer, 343pp., 2017.
- Takeuchi, K., Harashina, K., Hara, Y., 2017. Establishing a Sustainable Community through Urban and Rural Fusion. Yokohari, M., Murakami, A., Hara, Y., Tsuchiya, K. (eds) Sustainable Landscape Planning in Selected Urban Regions, 27-38, Springer.
- Yangi, K. and Kuo, C.G. eds: The Challenges of Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia. NIAES Series 6, 13-29pp, 2016.
- 武内和彦・渡邉綱男編:日本の自然環境政策 東京大学出版会 256pp, 2014.
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