Pinar Temocin

Dr.Pinar Temocin was trained in Philosophy in Turkey and Germany and in Comparative Politics and Public Policy in France. During her doctoral studies in Peace Studies and Development Science under the Taoyaka Program at Hiroshima University and visiting programs at the University of Auckland and Seoul National University, she researched energy policies and environmental civil society organizations in the post-Fukushima context. As a project assistant professor under the Hitachi-UTokyo Lab, the Institute for Future Initiatives, she focuses on hydrogen and ammonia co-firing technology, bridging her educational background in political science and research expertise in sustainability studies.

Dr. Temocin is also leading the Japan case study as part of GOGREEN, a global research project on the local co-creation of green transitions led by Roskilde University, Denmark. Additionally, she is currently a non-residential visiting fellow at the Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, DC, USA.

Using her interdisciplinary research experience in environmental governance, stakeholder engagement, and energy policies, Dr. Temocin actively collaborates with scholars internationally and produces research papers on environmental issues.

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Book (forthcoming):
  • Organizational Deliberation and Engagement in the Energy Decision-Making Process in Post-Fukushima Japan (Lexington Books | Rowman & Littlefield)
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Work in Progress:
  • Dynamics of Co-creating Socio-Cultural-Technical Transitions to Sustainability via Planning Culture: Comparison of Seven National Case Studies (GOGREEN Partners: Ghana, South Africa, Germany, Serbia, Jordan, & Japan)
  • How civil society co-creates (or not) green outcomes (GOGREEN Partners: Canada, Australia, Brazil, Serbia, South Africa, & Japan)
  • The Role and Impact of Private Entrepreneurs Initiating and Facilitating Local Green Co-creation (with Prof. J. Torfing et al.)
  • How do the different socio-political regimes affect local green co-creation? (Leading the cases in Asia – Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam & Japan)
Selected Publications in Preparation (Pre-prints available on request):
  • Temocin, Pinar (2025). “With or Without: Governing Nuclear Power for Carbon-Neutral Japan”.
  • Temocin Pinar (2025). “Societal Approaches for a Participatory Energy Future in Post-Fukushima Japan”.
  • Fraser, Timothy and Temocin, Pinar (2025). “Mapping Green Communities: New Data Resources for Measuring Grassroots Environmental Organizing in Japan”.
Book Review:
  • Temocin, Pinar. (2020). “Post-Fukushima Activism: Politics and Knowledge in the Age of Precarity”, Mobilization: International Quarterly, Vol: 25, Issue: 3.
Research-Informed Opinion Pieces:
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  • Peace Research Grant, International Peace Research Association Foundation, IPRAF (10/2021 – 09/2022)
  • Yahata Memorial Ikuei Scholarship (04/2021– 03/2022)
  • International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS 12), Conference Grant (08/2021)
  • Association for Asian Studies in Asia (ASA), Solidarity through Scholarship, Conference Grant (09/2020)
  • Hiroshima University Excellent Student Scholarship, Fall Academic Semester (10/2019 – 03/2020)
  • Global Environmental Leadership Program Research Grant by IDEC, Hiroshima University, utilized at Centre of Live and Learn for Environment and Community, Hanoi, Vietnam (02/2018)
  • FARABI Exchange Program Scholarship for study at Hacettepe University, Turkey (2012 – 2013)
  • EU ERASMUS Exchange Program Scholarship for study at the University of Cologne, Germany (2010 – 2011)

Library Research and Travel Grant:

  • NAM Center for Korean Studies, University of Michigan, Asia Library Travel Grant, Michigan, USA (07/2022)
  • Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies, 2023 Winter School on “Political Culture Revisited: How Values Drive Politics”, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha, Qatar (01/2023)
  • Nonproliferation Education and Research Center, Summer Graduate Fellows Program, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea, Beijing, Shanghai, and Tokyo (07/2019 – 08/2019)
  • Taoyaka Program for the Leading Graduate Schools given by The Ministry of Education (10/2016 – 03/2020)
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